Epidural and Labour

An epidural is a common medical procedure used during labour and childbirth to provide pain relief. It involves injecting anesthetic medication into the epidural space of the spine, which numbs the lower half of the body, particularly the lower back and pelvic region. Here’s some information about epidurals and their use during labour:


Epidurals are used to manage pain during labour and delivery. They offer a significant reduction in pain and discomfort, allowing the laboring person to be more comfortable during the process.

How Epidurals Work

The anesthetic medication in the epidural blocks the nerve signals in the spinal cord, which carry pain sensations from the uterus and pelvic area to the brain. This numbing effect provides pain relief while allowing the labouring person to remain awake and alert.


  1. A healthcare provider will insert a small catheter into the epidural space in the lower back.
  2. Medication is administered through the catheter.
  3. Pain relief is typically felt within 10-20 minutes of administration.


  • Effective pain relief: Epidurals can significantly reduce labour pain while allowing the person in labour to be awake and alert.
  • Rest and relaxation: Pain relief can help reduce stress and exhaustion during a long labour.
  • May be used for cesarean section: Epidurals are often used for pain management during c-sections.

Considerations and Potential Drawbacks

  • Limited mobility: Epidurals may limit the person’s ability to move or walk during labour.
  • Potential side effects: These can include a drop in blood pressure, itching, and numbness in the legs.
  • Longer labour: In some cases, epidurals might slow down the progress of labour, leading to the need for additional interventions.
  • Possible complications: Rare complications, such as headache or infection, can occur.

It’s essential for individuals in labour to discuss the pros and cons of epidurals with their healthcare provider. The decision to use an epidural should be based on individual circumstances and preferences. Some people choose to have an epidural for pain relief during labour, while others opt for alternative pain management techniques, such as breathing exercises, relaxation, or natural childbirth methods. The choice will depend on personal preferences, medical conditions, and the recommendations of the healthcare team.

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