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Top tips for choosing an OB in Adelaide

What’s the lowdown on choosing an obstetrician for birth

Choosing an obstetrician for birth is an important decision that involves a number of considerations


•  Check the out of pocket expenses for your obstetrician , paediatrician and anaesthetist ( in case you decide to have an epidural)
• Many couples choose to see a private OB because they have private insurance BUT don’t realise there are a lot of out of pocket expenses $$$

Philosophy and Approach:

Does  the obstetrician’s approach to childbirth align with your preferences, such as a natural birth, epidural use,

Communication and shared decision-making are crucial.(Of course best laid plans can certainly change , requiring interventions )

• When you look at their website – do you get the feeling they’re more c section focused !
• Their website may give you a good indicator of their values
• Ask the receptionist for their c section and induction rates•
WHO says c section rates should be 10-15 percent BUT in Australia our rates are around 30 percent – an OB with rates of 40-50 percent is concerning
• When you sign up with an OB you must be aware the medical view of birth is one of managing risk – which may sound comforting BUT can come with a very interventionalist view of birth

Where would you like to birth

•Ensure the obstetrician is affiliated with a birthing hospital that you are comfortable with and is conveniently located.
• You may not know if you’d like your birth in water right now – but it’s a great way to labour and reduces the need for pain relief significantly – most private hospitals in South Australia DO NOT “allow” water birth but your OB may have rights at a public hospital that does .

The OB support team

• Inquire about the obstetrician’s support team, including midwives.

  • Some OBs have midwives attached to the practise who can spend time providing you with more education about childbirth and breastfeeding

• Understand their availability for antenatal visits, emergencies, and labor.

  • Will they be available when your due date approaches ?
  • What are their backup arrangements?
  • Are you just as comfortable with their back up OB ?

Continuity of care with a known midwife is important

• Usually the midwives in an OB practise are there to check BP and have a brief chat before your

  • Continuity of care with a midwife is associated with lower rates of stillbirth, prem birth and greater satisfaction

Just because your friend loved their OB doesnt mean that is the right fit for you

• Patient Reviews and Recommendations: Read reviews from other patients and seek recommendations from friends, family, or online communities. Personal experiences can offer valuable insights.

• Communication Style: Consider their communication style and how comfortable you feel asking questions, expressing concerns, and discussing your birth plan with them.

• If you feel that you can’t discuss your preferences on an even playing field – they’re not the OB for you


• Postnatal Care: Discuss their approach to postnatal care, including follow-up appointments, breastfeeding support, and postpartum wellness.

Some OBs have midwives within the practise who can provide extensive lactation support for you after birth – you may want to meet with a lactation consultant (LIKE ME ) before birth to ensure you know what to expect and what you can do to minimise nipple pain after birth

By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can choose an obstetrician who aligns with your needs and preferences, ensuring a positive and safe childbirth experience

If you would like to discuss your options please contact kate

OMG Im pregnant, now what?

Pregnancy really is amazing;

You’ve just seen those two little lines on the pregnancy stick, you may even have repeated it again (and maybe a third time just to be sure ).

Finally ,you accept the positive test(S) and begin to feel excited and maybe apprehensive

  • Its really quite incredible that our body somehow begins creating the mass of cells the instant an egg becomes fertilised. There is soooo much going on , before you’ve even had a chance to contemplate .
  • The division of the cells, is happening at an alarming rate to form a placneta , organs, blood supply, genetics all while we sleep,
  • Week-by-Week Journey: Dive into the fascinating changes that occur during each trimester. Discuss fetal development, common symptoms, and self-care tips.
  1. Self-Care and Wellness

  • Nutrition: While your body doesn’t need many more calories through pregnancy, it does need you to maintain a healthy diet, not just for your baby but to support all the changes your body will go through over 9 months.
  •  a balanced diet during pregnancy requires foods from all food groups BUT its tricky during the first trimester when you might be feeling nauseous and struggle to eat some foods. Its not uncommon for mums to crave salty chips and to dislike coffee and healthy salads .Taking a mulit vitamin in the first trimester can help to make up for the lack of balanced diet BUT as soon a syou can maage its best to get all your nutrition form healthy foods with a wide variety of leafy green vegetables
  • Some foods should be avoided due to the risk of salmonella or listeria, soft cheeses and raw fish are amongst foods we advise you avoid
  • Exercise: Whatever exercise you’ve been doing prior to pregnancy, is usually alright to continue , at least at the beginning
  • Some extreme sports may place you at risk of injury, so if you are a weightlifter for example, talk to your care provider/coach/physio
  • Many exercise routines such as walking, swimming, running, yoga, pilates can be maintained but perhaps may need some minor changes.
  • In fact continuing (or beginning) low impact exercise can be highly beneficial for your mental and physical wellbeing while also preparing your body for the demands of labour-which we often suggest is the “biggest workout of your life”
  • Exercise can also reduce the impact of hormones during pregnancy, such as improving bowel motion and therefore reducing constipation
  • Research is also showing that mothers who develop GESTATIONAL DIABETES, actually have better blood sugar control when they exercise .

Mental Health: Many mums may struggle with anxiety and sometimes antental depression.This can be due to hormones , changing body image and

Who is kate bergamasco ?

Who is Kate Bergamasco ?

Let’s throwback to student midwife Kate Bergamasco –

This was me when I began my midwifery career. Although when I was 17 and fresh out of school.I knew from the time I was 16 when I witnessed a birth on work experience that I wanted to be a midiwfe
So this photo is me living my dream 

I was 22 years old and this was me during my midwifery training at Modbury hospital.My midwifery training days were focused on learning about how birth happened.We were taught to listen to mothers, build a rapport with families and become proficient at monitoring mums and babies through pregnancy , birth and the postnatal period..

By the end of the 12 month course we were all too aware that while we had passed our exams and delivered many babies, we still needed to gain a lot more experience .There was so much more to learn and I acknowledge now, 33 years on , I will never know everything.

I was very conscious even as a 22 year old graduate that my knowledge about helping mums breastfeed was limited.

WILL  I be able to breastfeed if my mother couldn’t ?

In 1990 so many practises we adopted with breastfeeding caused so much pain for mothers.We used to bath babies within the first hour of birth, we cut the umbilical cord as soon as the baby was out, we wrapped baby and THEN handed b aby to mum for her first breastfeed.We didnt know then the value of skin on skin or the golden hour.

I can remember mums with bleeding painful nipples trying to tolerate breastfeeds.and then sitting with red lamps faced toward their nipples to dry them out with the belief it would +toughen + them up.

No wonder so many mothers stopped breastfeeding before they even left hospital..

This experience is what lead e to study to be a  lactation consultant  , I wanted to ensure i could have a positive impact on mothers feeding journey.

Fortunately over the past 30 years our knowledge and practises have improved greatly and Im always quick to reasure mums whose own mothers couldnt breastfeed (in the 1990s) that our techniques have improved .

How have things changed ?

  • Skin on skin 
  • The golden hour
  • Rooming baby in with mum 
  • Not bathing baby in the first 3 days of birth
  • Giving mums and partners antenatal education on breastfeeding